Author: exitoasis

3 is a Magic Number When Selling Your Business

Your banker knows why 3 is a magic number for a small business seller. When a bank lends money for a business acquisition, understandably the bank looks at the financial results of the business being purchased. The bank wants to know that the business will generate financial results sufficient to pay off the loan incurred to buy the business.

I Have to Sell my Business to Fund my Retirement

That is not a position you want to be in. Imagine negotiating the sale of your business, and trying to get the best price, if you absolutely have to sell to fund your retirement? Selling a small business is hard. Don’t make it harder than it has to be.

What does it Take to Sell your Small Business?

How nice would it be to get a simple answer to that question? The problem is, in most cases we’re given more questions when we ask that question. Check out Josh Patrick’s article “Why Many Small Businesses Cannot Be Sold” as a good example.

Your Business is Failing – Close it or Sell it?

It’s hard to sell a small business, but it’s even more difficult to sell a failing small business. That said, the prospect of shutting down a small business is terrifying for most small business owners. Many of us mentally escape to the place called “it’s failing, but someone will buy it”.

Want to Sell Your Business? Motivate Your Employees

Are you replaceable? When you own a small business it often seems like you are the business. All roads lead to you. All questions end up on your desk. You are the solver of all problems. Being the owner in that “central” place can be compelling (and addicting), but it also destroys your ability to sell your business.

Successful Business Sale or This?

This weekend I had to “hit the brakes” when confronted with a reminder of why we do what we do at Exit Oasis. I’ve spent the year helping small business owners answer the question “Will I be able to sell my small business?”

What Does it Feel Like to Sell Your Business?

Is it more like bubbling Champagne or a turkey sandwich? We have fantasies. We have dreams. But what does it feel like when you actually make the sale? Unquestionably it’s a little different for everyone, but it’s rare when someone captures the experience clearly.