Why Does a Buyer Buy a Specific Business?

What individual buyers want in a business are as varied as the buyers themselves. Check out www.bizbuysell.com’s article on “Buying A Business? How to Decide the Best Business to Own” This article touches on several of the items a buyer will look at, as well as the important personal elements involved in a buyer’s decision making.

Who Will Buy Your Small Business?

We know what the average small business business buyer looks like. But there are other kinds of buyers. Check out 3 Types of Buyers you meet when Selling a Business, which identifies three categories of buyers: individual, strategic and financial.

Meet the Average Small Business Buyer

Who’s going to buy your small business? It’s a big question, and one that’s obviously impossible to answer with certainty before a sale happens. However, we can get a sense for what the “average” small business buyer might look like.

Cut Costs – But Then Keep the Savings!

As a small business owner you try to save money, but often you end up spending the money you saved on another part of the business. If you want to sell your business, you need to use the saved money to increase a Seller’s Discretionary Earnings appropriate category.

3 is a Magic Number When Selling Your Business

Your banker knows why 3 is a magic number for a small business seller. When a bank lends money for a business acquisition, understandably the bank looks at the financial results of the business being purchased. The bank wants to know that the business will generate financial results sufficient to pay off the loan incurred to buy the business.