Category: Your Job

Business Owner Stress: 6 Real Ways to Manage It

Since we don’t talk about it, we get to deal with it alone. Small business owners are over-worked, over-stressed and often over-whelmed. And if those things are all “over” you, fixing them is something else you need to add to the list of things to figure out.

Be Like Gerald

It’s incredibly satisfying to connect with a committed small business owner. You feel passion. You feel purpose. You feel intention. You feel like you’re seeing someone in their natural state. You feel it, their employees feel it, and the customer feels it.

Why Can’t My Business Run Without Me?

As a business owner, some days are easier than others, but they’re always stressful. It seems like everyone has problems, but no solutions. You often feel like you’re the only one with a fire extinguisher. You question yourself, “Why can’t my business run without me? Why do my employees need me to hold their hands? When can I take a day off?” These questions are signs of a business that is too reliant on the owner.

The Problem With Loving Your Business

I can’t think about selling my business because I love it too much. Really? Do you really love your business, or is it something else you love? That’s the question Barbara Taylor asks us to ask ourselves. We’re always excited to share Taylor’s content.

Why Do Small Business Owners Sell Their Business?

It’s an important question: why do owners sell a good business? Here’s a straight-forward answer from David C. Barnett. (Skip ahead to the 1:00 mark for the start of this topic.) Also, congratulations to David for reaching 10,000 subscribers on YouTube! Many small business owners helped along the way.